
The Numinous Tarot 2nd Edition

Created by Cedar McCloud

Second print run of an intersectional, queer, feminist Tarot deck and guidebook with gender neutral language.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Order Lockdown & General Update
about 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 01:43:48 AM

Hi friends, just a quick update for you!

Tomorrow morning I will be locking down orders in Backerkit. All that means is you won't be able to add or subtract add-ons to your order, and anyone with a pending balance will be charged. 


The decks are still on their way to me from the printer. If they're on time (which they have been so far), they should be arriving around the end of this month or early May. Yay! I will post another update when they arrive.

If you have a situation where you're moving or are not sure which shipping address to use in May, or any other kind of special circumstance you're worried about, please message me here on Kickstarter or email me at [email protected] so we can make sure your order goes to the right place at the right time.

If you need to change your address, please log into with the email address you use on Kickstarter. It will allow you to change your information until I lock down addresses before shipping. You will get warnings before that happens.

If you can't log into Backerkit or just can't get it to work, please message or email me and I will change it manually--but please do try to resolve it on your own, first!

Thank you so much, everyone!

Decks on the way from printer + survey update
about 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 11:34:24 AM

Hi everyone!

Just a quick update to say that I received my advance copy from the printer this week and approved it, which means the rest of my order has been released for shipping! Yay!

It takes about a month or so for the decks to ship from China to me and go through customs, so it seems like they're on time as far as the "late April" ETA they originally gave me for a timeline. Obviously delays can very much happen in the shipping & customs process itself, but so far so good, and I'll keep you updated if anything changes.

Thank you all so much for being quick to fill out your surveys! There are only 46 people who haven't done so yet. You still have time, but the sooner, the better. Some important reminders and info regarding surveys and such:

  • If you haven't received or can't find your survey email, you can go to this link and enter the email address you sign in to Kickstarter with to fill it out:
  • You can still change your address at any time and will be warned before I lock addresses for shipping in May. Go to and log in to make changes to your address. 
  • If for some reason you have trouble changing your address or filling out your survey, please contact me via Kickstarter message or email at [email protected] so I can help.
  • If you are moving in May and aren't sure what address to use, also message or email me so we can make arrangements.

An important note about add-ons! Specifically, anyone who paid for more things AFTER the Kickstarter that required you to add funds by card/PayPal/Stripe*: 

  • If you paid by PayPal, I believe it already charged you for your additional funds automatically so please don't worry about this note.
  • If you paid any other way, you haven't been charged yet because I have to manually lock and charge  those orders. I will be doing these when I close pre-order sales on April 15th, so you can expect the charges to go through around then. Right now there are only 19 of you, plus anyone who hasn't filled out their survey yet & wants to add things they didn't add funds to their original pledge for. Just be prepared!
  • I don't know why there's this discrepancy between Paypal and the other charge methods in Backerkit but like, it is what it is. The last time I used Backerkit, they either didn't have the Paypal option or I didn't use it so this is a new thing I'm dealing with.

*if you added extra money to your Kickstarter pledge for add-ons and came out even during the survey process (you didn't have to add any money post-Kickstarter), this isn't for you, don't worry.

Hope you all are having a good March so far!

Surveys go out tomorrow from Backerkit!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2019 at 12:15:21 AM

 Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

Survey links are going out tomorrow! They are from Backerkit and will go to the email address you used to pledge on Kickstarter. Please click the link in the email and fill them out ASAP.

Some backers already received their survey emails when I did the smoke test a few weeks ago, so if you've already filled yours out, you shouldn't get another email and you're totally good to go.

Important survey notes:
- You can log back in to Backerkit and change your address on your order at ANY TIME until I lock addresses for shipping in May. You will get an email notice before this happens.
- If you are moving in May and aren't sure what address to use, please fill out the survey with one of  them and then email or message me here on Kickstarter so I can make a note to check in with you or make arrangements when shipping time comes.
- Shipping ETA is still May 2019, as far as I know. I will be checking in with the printer soon to see if I can get an updated estimate.

So excited to get these decks in your hands!


In the meantime, if you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, you've probably seen the "daily focus readings" I do every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! If not, go check them out through the links above (try IG or FB, Twitter has a lot of other stuff on it). I have a ton of fun doing them, and I hope they've been helpful to those of you reading. From some of the responses, it seems like they are! 

Which is why I have a new offer: every Tuesday, Patrons subscribed at $5/mo or more will get all three readings for the week at once, with additional insight into how all three readings for the week tie together. These readings are not predictive, but meant to provide insight and guidance on where to focus our mind/body/spirit that day.

If you're not familiar, Patreon is a creator subscription service. You pledge as little as $1 per month to a creator, me, and then get exclusive rewards in return. You can read them on Patreon's site or app in a feed just like social media, or you can have updates sent to your email and read them there right when they've been posted.

Click here to see my Patreon page and the various reward tiers offered.

This new offer is specifically part of the $5 tier, which also gets you:

  • Exclusive views of cards for my new oracle deck not yet publicly released
  • Immediate downloads of Chapter 1 & 2 of The Thread That Binds, my new fantasy comic (68pgs)
  • A monthly in-depth group Tarot reading every New Moon
  • Access to dozens of downloads in the archive

Patreon is very important to my income (especially with the decks, my main income, still in production; Kickstarter money doesn't pay my bills, selling the stuff I make with the Kickstarter money does), and every dollar is important. It adds up! So even if you can't pledge $5/mo, $1 or $2 still gets you a lot of cool things and helps me keep creating cards and comics full time. You can cancel whenever you want, too!

And no worries if you can't pledge, of course. You've already supported me amazingly with this Kickstarter and I'm so grateful to every single one of you <3

Examples of past daily focus readings <3
Examples of past daily focus readings <3

Smoke Test Surveys + General Update
over 5 years ago – Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 11:01:06 PM

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well in this first month of 2019. I just wanted to update you all on a few things.

1. I will be doing a "smoke test" with Backerkit to make sure reward surveys are working correctly. This means that a few people will be getting an email asking for your shipping address and such things. If you get one, please fill it out, but don't worry! You'll be able to change your info right up until I start shipping in May. The rest of the surveys will go out around the beginning of March.

2. I have put the order in with the printer and they estimate that I will receive them around the end of April. There's a bit of a wait because of Chinese New Year in February, but I factored that in so everything is still on time. Fingers crossed that holds true!

3. With some of the extra funds, I purchased an A3 scanner! It's 11.7"x17" instead of 8.5"x11" and is already making my life waaaaay easier, because nothing I paint is ever under like, 9"x12" and had to be scanned in pieces before. Plus the scans themselves are higher quality. So thank you for allowing me to invest in this equipment!!

That's it for now! And if you know anyone who missed the campaign, the pre-order store is now live on backerkit here until April 15th:


Noel <3

Thank You + Updates on Moving Forward!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 05:18:15 PM

Hurray, we've funded and the campaign is over! *cheers*

Because of the holidays, I haven't been able to make an update about a few things regarding the campaign, but now I can. Plus, there are some notes about going forward I want to share:

1. I will be adding the Lovers holographic print as an add-on. It will be available to add to your order/pledge when you fill out your survey through Backerkit later--since the campaign is over, that means it'll charge you the extra cost ($10) later. More info on this when it's up.

2. Since we went over $21,000, I'll be able to buy 2000 decks instead of 1500! Yay!

3. Surveys to collect your address and other reward info (such as original painting choice) will be sent out through Backerkit a little closer to when I can actually ship things, probably at the beginning of March so you will have plenty of time to fill it out.

4. As stated on the rewards, estimated shipping date is May. I will keep you all updated! My contact with the printer is currently working up a more detailed production schedule for me.

5. If you are moving sometime around the shipping date, no worries. You will be able to change your address on your survey up until the very last minute, basically, and recieve an email warning before I lock down that info. In further updates I may also request you email or message me if you still think there might be an issue and we'll figure it out together so I can make sure I send your rewards to the right place. YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THAT RIGHT NOW. Let's wait until I have a better idea of when the decks will arrive!

6. If you know someone who wants a deck but missed the Kickstarter, they will still be available. I will have pre-orders up on Backerkit in the next 2 weeks, and they will be for direct sale from me and several others in late spring/early summer. Anyone interested in receiving updates about that can sign up for my mailing list.

Thank you all SO SO MUCH for all of your support. I couldn't have done this without you, and I can't wait to get these decks in your hands! I'll keep you posted about important developments, and in the meantime you can follow me on social media for more day-to-day stuff:




<3 Noel