
The Numinous Tarot 2nd Edition

Created by Cedar McCloud

Second print run of an intersectional, queer, feminist Tarot deck and guidebook with gender neutral language.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Name Change Update
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 10:21:08 PM

Hi everyone! You may have already seen this update from one of my other Kickstarters (if so, I apologize for the multiple emails), but if not, here's an important announcement regarding my work and the name of my Kickstarter account:

Recently, I made two new naming decisions. One is that my business will now be called Numinous Spirit Press. I've been wanting to give my business its own name for a while, but it wasn't until this year that I came up with one I liked. My website and most of my social media accounts have been updated accordingly:

  • Website:
  • Instagram:
  • Twitter:
  • Patreon:

This renaming also freed me up for the second decision: changing my own name. When I originally came out as a trans man in 2008, I chose the name "Noel" largely out of fear. It was the "masculine version" of my birth middle name, and in the years before I changed it legally, it allowed me some measure of excuse when people questioned why I went by a different name than the one on my IDs or on the roster while I was in college--"It's my middle name" I could say, without having to out myself if I didn't feel safe to do so.

However, in the years since, and particularly since coming out again as nonbinary/agender, I've come to feel that this name doesn't suit me and only reminds me of those difficult times. My last name is also something I've long wished to change, due to being estranged with my family of origin, but avoided out of fear and convenience. But with this new deck coming out, my 30th birthday later this year, and the current state of the world, I decided I want to embrace living as authentically me as possible.

Therefore, I will no longer be going by Noel Arthur Heimpel, and will now be Cedar McCloud!

This change includes changing my profile name on Kickstarter from Noel Arthur Heimpel to Numinous Spirit Press. Normally, once you launch a Kickstarter project as a creator, you are not allowed to edit your profile name for very understandable accountability reasons. Thankfully, the folks at Kickstarter are understanding of my situation, and have agreed to change it! This update is part of the process necessary to complete that change.

Numinous Spirit Press and Cedar McCloud are the names that will be printed on your copies of the Threadbound Oracle, its guidebook, and The Thread That Binds. The name "Noel Arthur Heimpel" is still on the copies of the Numinous Tarot for those of you who ordered those, but will be changed in future printings.

If you are referring to me/my work in conversation, an article, etc, please use either Numinous Spirit Press or Cedar McCloud. If you need to clarify who you're talking about by using my old name in the process, that's totally fine! It's going to be kind of a mess for a while as this transition takes place, and a lot of my work is out there with the now old name on it, so I'm prepared for that.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding on this matter. I want to be open and transparent about it despite fears that people will be confused or think this is a sign that trans people are "just confused" or "don't know what they want," and other such things. The truth is that some of us know very early and very decidedly what our gender is and how we want to express that, while some of us have a much longer journey figuring it all out. Some people's gender and expression are very set for their whole life, and some of us are very fluid, and everything in between. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, your experience is real and I support you <3.

Digital Guidebooks + Shipping Update
almost 5 years ago – Mon, May 20, 2019 at 03:52:59 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping Update
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 14, 2019 at 12:33:39 AM

Hi friends! Just a brief update today to let you know how things are going. I suppose I tempted fate by fulfilling a Kickstarter project on time, because I was sick with a terrible cold last Wednesday through this weekend, and had to put shipping on pause. However, I'm starting back up today! I am already 47% through shipping orders, and if everything goes well, hopefully I will finish this week. We'll see, haha!

Another note I forgot on the last post: if you think your deck might be missing cards, double check that they aren't stuck to the backs of others. It happens sometimes! But if you're truly missing cards please don't hesitate to message/email me! ([email protected])


Shipping has begun! Important Info!
almost 5 years ago – Mon, May 06, 2019 at 11:33:28 PM

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that shipping of rewards has begun. I sent out the first 84 packages on Saturday, and the next batch will be heading out tomorrow! If I can keep up the pace, hopefully it will only take until the middle of next week or so to get everything out.

You will get an email from Backerkit notifying you when your rewards have shipped. If you don't see one in the next 2 weeks, check your spam or log in to to check your reward status. I'll also keep you all updated on the overall progress.

Important Shipping Notes:

  • "Ready to ship" status in Backerkit simply means your order and address have been locked down. It does not mean your package is actually packed or ready to go out.
  • Tracking numbers should be available either in the Backerkit email or through whatever tracking link it includes. This should be true for both US and international orders!
  • US packages are going out as USPS Priority mail and take 1-3 business days.
  • International packages are going out as USPS International First Class mail and take an estimated 2-6 weeks to arrive depending on where you live. 

Please email me at [email protected] if:

  • You live in the US and you don't receive your package within 2 weeks of shipping notification.
  • You live outside the US and you don't receive your package within 8 weeks of shipping notification.
  • Your rewards arrived damaged and you'd like a replacement. Please include photos of the damage in your email. Replacements can range from individual cards (in the case of printing errors/damage or lost cards, even if you're the one who loses them!) to whole decks depending on the situation.
  • An item is missing from your order. I try to double and triple check, but sometimes things get missed!
  • You have a moving conflict or similar issue/concern.

Other Important Notes:

  • The gilding on the edges can sometimes make the cards stick together. With the 1st edition, I saw some decks that had this and some that did not. In the vast majority of cases, all you need to do is pry the cards apart gently, and they're perfectly fine.
  • For US packages, there is no indication on the outside of what's in the package, in case you need to be discreet. The return address simply has my name on it, without any mention of Tarot.
  • International packages do have the contents listed on the customs form/postage sticker as "Numinous Tarot Deck & Guidebook."

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support! If you post pictures on social media of your decks when you get them, please feel free to tag me (@noelarthurian) on Twitter and Instagram! I love seeing your photos! <3

about 5 years ago – Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 11:29:13 PM

Decks have arrived at my house!!

This means shipping will begin soon! There will be more updates regarding that as I figure out my exact plan of attack this year. Last year shipping went a bit slowly, mostly due to the fact that I was very sick and still had a part time job, among other things. This year I am much more prepared, but I'm still only one person (sometimes I have help from friends but they can't be there most of the time) who is also chronically ill, and not a giant mega corporation, so thank you in advance for your patience! I know you're all excited and want them ASAP :)

I will post an update here when I send out the first shipping batch, and let you know more of what to expect. One thing you can expect is that Backerkit will send you an email when I mark your order as shipped, along with tracking numbers where applicable. You can also log in to Backerkit to check your order status at any time. I will post more about how to do that in the near future.


Unless you might have some kind of conflict such as moving or being away from home, etc, then please do email me at [email protected]. I have already gotten emails from some people about address needs and even if I haven't gotten time to reply to you yet, I've seen them and will be replying soon!

Anyway, excited to start getting these out in the near future! Look out for more updates soon!